The Strange Music of Brigitte Bardot

brigitte bardot music
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Most people know of Brigitte Bardot as the sunbathing 1960’s fashion icon from France. But the ballerina turned actress/model also had a very quirky singing career. Accompanying this career were a series of bizarre music videos, each one being very peculiar in very French way. Bardot may not have been a musical genius, but her songs are quite “catchy”, and they do have something charmingly cute about them. Bardot’s videos and musical career will live on forever in an air of idiosyncratic, wacky, but quintessentially French way. Her Harley Davidson song is kind of amazing. And remember that J’adore Dior perfume commercial from a few years ago featuring a model floating into the sky lead by a balloon? The music was by none other than Bardot.

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