Chic AF: On Hair Color Subcultures

Chic AF is a recurring column on Sudden Chic written by my mom, Karen Resta. Because she tells the best stories. Also, she has yellow hair. This is her third piece.

Brightly Colored Hair: REPRESENTS Whaaaaaaat???????

Totally thrilled to see Lynn Yaeger at the vintage show today. I totally fan-girled over her! ??

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There are a number of different “way-of-being” niches within the world of rainbow hair color. Just because someone has brightly colored hair (I’ve heard a few people call it “other-colored hair” and I wanted to ask them if I was “The Other”, then who were they, exactly) their bright hair doesn’t mean they embrace – nor are they representing – the same fashion, style, or life philosophy as another person with brightly colored hair.

So please don’t lump all us freaks together in the same category – because though we’ve dared to be unconventional, we’re expressing more than a singular viewpoint or outlook.

Here’s a list of four subcultures we rainbow-haired people can belong to:

Punk – According to wiki: “Punk-related ideologies are mostly concerned with individual freedom and anti-establishment views. Common punk viewpoints include anti-authoritarianism, a DIY ethic, non-conformity, direct action and not selling out.” Spiked hair, mohawks, tattoos and body modification are considered to be “punk” fashion. The colors of brightly colored punk hair are highly-saturated and sometimes shocking as well as being highly designed and stylized.

Goth – According to “a Goth is someone who finds beauty in things others consider dark. They love all that is dark and mysterious. That doesn’t mean Goths are evil, it just means they have a different perspective to many.” Goths with brightly (or darkly) colored hair often shape the hair to appear to be anti-style, with an edge of anti-pretty added to the mix, as in letting roots grow out as a part of the style and using colors that might appear more shocking or even ugly as part of the hair design.

Dispensa legenda! ?? via @beautybyashley #wiccac

A photo posted by WICCAC (@wiccac) on

Unicorn – Urban dictionary offers several definitons of “unicorn” but in terms of fashion it has a definite meaning. Unicorns usually have brightly colored hair, perfectly designed makeup featuring exotically designed eyes and highly saturated lipstick in unusual colors, often wear decorative septum rings, and carry themselves with an aura of strength and innate power. The look relays a high sense of beauty. Check out my favorite instagram account featuring unicorns – “wiccac”. You’ll love it!

Glam – This is my term for people who have brightly-colored hair who use the color as an accent to their personal style. The color is planned to add to an overall look that is sophisticated and avant-garde. The look is not meant to shock or to blatantly offer any feeling of disruption or in-your-face attitude. The tones of the hair colors are designed to compliment the skin tone and general style of the people who have it. There may be a note of understatement to the hair color (as in adding subtle low or high lights in a rainbow color to natural hair) or the color could be pastelized or highly saturated. In any case, the color is meant to be artful rather than a cultural or political statement.

I have a plan. Someday I’m going to gather at least a hundred people, maybe two hundred – all with different brightly colored hair. We’re going to stand in a great big circle, like a bright ray of rainbow sunshine, with someone up above us to take a photo of all our glorious (different! yes, thank God, different!) brightly colored heads.

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